Jessica wanted me to be able to use my new little toy to play a Christmas set with my brother. Having a great time getting to know this Fender 2019 FSR Pro Jr IV in Fawn Cane.
Pedal Dobro – Improvements!
Tweaking to improve on this Pedal Dobro tone. I think I’m moving in the right direction!
Is it Pedal Steel or Pedal Dobro
I’m trying a whole new way of changing my pedal steel tone, and why not try to change it into a Pedal Dobro? This is not a MatchBro, an Aura, MXR thingy, BoBro, or a Boss GE-7… New territory!
The Palace Theatre – Greensburg, Pennsylvania

Carson Center – Paducah, KY.
It’s good to come back to this beautiful venue!

Dad’s Old Electromuse
Jessica had this old lap steel brought back to life while I was out doing some shows in Texas. One of my Dad’s old instruments. Fun surprise that will come in handy for demo work. She also had a little mini Squier all fixed up for Charlie. Lessons to come!
Big props go out to Pete at Wickham Audio for doing the work. A good friend and excellent amp and guitar repair resource in Thornville, Ohio.
Char’s Mini Strat at Wickham Audio
Miss Me Whiskey – Jacob Lones
Happy to have played pedal steel on Jacob’s latest. I like what he does, and I can’t wait to see where it all goes for him.
Billy Bob’s Texas
Honky Tonk Tonkin’ Honky. This place is always fun!
MSA Steel Guitars Family
My Dad would never believe I would be here at MSA Steel Guitars ordering my first Steel Guitar in nearly 20 years, coming full circle to his 1977 Classic that I still enjoy.
The machining tolerances, the design work, and the passion they put in these guitars is incredible. It’s modern in the right ways, but also beautiful. I can’t wait to sit down to my own, and be inspired to create the music I want to make.
Thank you for making the time for me, Kyle!

Happy Birthday G-Lo
Happy (Surprise) Birthday to my Mom, Lois Spires! 75! Thank you for putting together such a great, last-minute party, Steve. Dancing, jamming and cake eating!