We packed a cooler and visited the petting zoo! Back at the Malabar Farm Barn Square Dance for Halloween with family in the minivan! I may have done the Electric Slide during my break. #gettingdownonthefarm #backporchswingband

Pedal Steel, Dobro, Lap Steel, Country Tunes
We packed a cooler and visited the petting zoo! Back at the Malabar Farm Barn Square Dance for Halloween with family in the minivan! I may have done the Electric Slide during my break. #gettingdownonthefarm #backporchswingband
If the village wants you to play in the parking lot for Trick-or-Treat why not dress up like a guy that’s getting a giant mug of beer after the show! #commodorebank #millersport #buckeyelakebrewery
I was lucky to have some great old and new friends visit! Thank you Randy Ervin, Lisa Rager & Melissa Tevis!! The new dinner menu is fantastic! Thanks so much Ted Atwell and Tracy Higginbotham! The new menu is worth the visit. Get out and support the Buckeye Lake businesses as the winter rolls in.
Had to dust the MSA off and ride her down the bike path. A gig close to home! Fun getting back at it with Bim and the boys tonight.
Bringing a little country music to Linden Avenue – Zanesville, OHIO.
It was a HOT one but damn was it fun! Pop & Pour!
Presented by Muskingum County Community Foundation Council, in partnership with the City of Zanesville and the Zanesville-Muskingum County Convention and Visitors Bureau and sponsored by Dutro.
Love playing in my hometown.
Playing one of my favorite watering holes.
Impromptu lap steel night with some Zanesville favorites.
Glad I’m not missing this!
What a humbling, wonderful day…. Played at the Boatyard for such a fun time, with all our neighbors’ family in tow: Sharon, Fred, Michelle, Attila, Erin, Phil and crew. On top of that, Debra Killian & Fred Dodd came all the way from Wisconsin to surprise me, and they sure did that!!! We chatted old and new times over dinner before letting them start the trek back. My heart is full. Love you guys!!!